Microsoft Advertising Blog
Updates to editorial disapproval messaging
Microsoft Advertising has updated the email notification process to more quickly alert customers of disapprovals within their ads, keywords, or product offers.
Updates to Advertiser Identity Verification
Our Advertiser Identity Verification approach has been slightly modified to optimize our process while reducing impact to our customers.
Updates to our network policies
Learn more about changes we’re making to provide greater visibility into the enforcement of our network policies.
Third-party government services advertising pilot
Explore our new pilot to allow advertising by delegated or authorized providers of certain government services with review and pre-approval.
Cryptocurrency exchanges now allowed in the US with pre-approval
Explore how advertisers who want to promote cryptocurrency exchanges and meet the eligibility criteria may apply to advertise in the US beginning May 27th.
Microsoft Advertising policy site redesign
Check out our fully redesigned Microsoft Advertising policy site for the Microsoft Search Network, Audience Network, Display, and Native advertising.