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Microsoft Advertising Blog

Eugene Goldenshteyn

Eugene Goldenshteyn


Welcome to Property Center: Your gateway to managing Lodging Campaigns

We are enhancing our Hotel Center and we are announcing GA for our Lodging Campaigns for advertisers that wants to drive booking for their hotel.

July 01, 2024

Introducing new website insights for Universal Event Tracking Tag

To help you better meet your business needs and drive more traffic and conversions, we’re excited to introduce UET Insights. Explore this valuable data collection feature.

July 27, 2023

Introducing new website insights for Universal Event Tracking Tag

To help you better meet your business needs and drive more traffic and conversions, we’re excited to introduce UET Insights. Explore this valuable data collection feature.

May 29, 2023

Helping doctors and clinics expand their reach and find new customers

We’re excited to empower medical service providers with a new engaging experience known as Doctor and Clinic Ads. Learn more about this new opportunity.

March 13, 2023

Top ad trends driving engagement at Microsoft Advertising

AI in 2022 is creating ad products that answer consumers’ needs for more personalized ad experiences. Learn how Microsoft Advertising is leading the way.

June 27, 2022

Keep performance high with vertical ads

Learn how imagery and personalization engage consumers more than traditional ads and how you can prepare your ad spend for the second half of the year.

May 17, 2022