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The Download, Episode 13: The Workday Consumer

March 31, 2022

Episode 13 of The Download covers the latest on consumer trends, the emerging Workday Consumer persona, retail technology innovation, and the mysterious middle of the marketing funnel.

This episode’s topics include:

  • Future Boutique with Jibs, a direct-to-consumer shoe brand that makes sustainable footwear sourced from Brazil. You’ll learn about how Jibs was able to realize exponential growth and double-digit sales on a top retailer website by leveraging the power of PromoteIQ.
  • The Workday Consumer is an emerging consumer trend. Learn what this means for you as a marketer and get three key takeaways to connect with these consumers when and where they’re shopping. In this segment, we debut our brand-new commissioned research conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Microsoft Advertising.
  • The Missing Middle shows you how to approach the middle portion of the marketing funnel, which is anything but linear.

We hope you enjoy this episode.

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