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Auto demographic insights by purchase intent

July 2021

  • Article
  • Automotive
  • Research

Microsoft Advertising Insights examined both first- and third-party auto trends and insights to gauge learnings and recommendations for advertisers looking to target consumers in market to buy a car. Starting with first-party results, we looked at the online activity of 265,535 online users who searched for vehicle brands. From this sample we discovered that 43% of auto shoppers search for brands more than 5 times in their consumer decision journey and that 66% of auto in-brand shoppers are male.

Next, we looked at a third-party research report from Global Web Index, which included responses from shoppers across both the Microsoft Advertising Network and Google who are in market to purchase a car. The results showed that compared to Google, Microsoft over-indexes in most all age groups, only falling behind Google among 16-24 year-olds. We don’t only over-index for in-market shoppers, however. Microsoft also over-indexes among those who already purchased a vehicle, looking at the past 3-6 months.

From both the first- and third-party research, we can conclude there is value of adding Microsoft Advertising to your search strategy. For more information on the two studies referenced, or tips on how to best reach those in market, download the full insights.

 Download the insights