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Riding a wave of change: Consumer behaviour shifts in UK Apparel

June 2021

  • Article
  • Research
  • Retail

Retail is in a historically large growth spurt right now, and the marketplace is constantly changing and evolving. Apparel is one category in this space that has seen exponential growth since the pandemic, as online shopping continues to gain popularity. In fact, online apparel in the UK saw a 78% growth over the last two years, compared to just 62% growth for overall online retail. Consumer behaviour is also shifting with this growth, with 42% of UK adults saying they stopped purchasing certain brands due to sustainability concerns. Additionally, we’re seeing decreased brand loyalty amongst users and more time interacting with shopping ads.

To capitalise on this growth potential, Microsoft Advertising Insights has built out both Luxury and Non-Luxury Apparel Audience Personas for targeting. We recommend using these personas so you can expand your sales pipeline, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive more conversions. Download the insights today to learn more about the specifics of these target audience profiles, and how you can complement them with your search campaigns to boost performance.

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