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Life reinvented: emerging consumer behaviors

December 31, 2021
A woman smiles while looking away from the camera.

The blending of work and life, combined with political and social upheaval, has brought about new consumer attitudes that are impacting people’s behaviors and expectations of brands. These shifts in behavior and privacy expectations are creating permanent changes in how people engage with brands.

Consumer behavior changes are one of the most important factors for marketing and advertising professionals to consider over the next 12 months.

Microsoft Advertising used first-party data and advanced analytics to study online activity and identify emerging attitudes and behaviors. These new attitudes we found give insights into how we as brands can reach and engage customers across industries.

The four emerging consumer behaviors are:

  • Luxury Shoppers
  • Digital Nomads
  • Empowered Activists
  • Self-Care Enthusiasts

Since the start of the pandemic, we've seen shopping and searching evolve rapidly, especially among these new groups. For luxury shoppers, we saw a shift from in-store preferences to almost entirely online overnight. Additionally, new breed of traveler—the digital nomad—quickly emerged as people were freed from their offices.

We also saw activism take on a new face as people stood up for civil rights and began voting with their wallets, forcing brands into the fray. At the same time, we learned to care about ourselves and each other in more intentional ways than before. Wellness is front and center for many, from simple acts of personal kindness to sweeping health choices.

The cultural and social changes shaping these new attitudes impact everything from shopping and traveling to finding new brands and businesses to support.

Download the booklet for more insights into the behaviors and expectations of these four emerging personas.

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