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Counterfeit product advertisements

Get help with your Microsoft Advertising intellectual property concern

This form is provided solely to report a counterfeit violation (e.g., a good that copies the trademark and/or distinctive features of a product in order to either pass itself off as the genuine product or promote a nearly identical replica or imitation of the original product). More information on this can be found in our Intellectual property policy. In order for your submission to be processed, all required fields must be filled in completely. A complaint cannot be investigated if the form is incomplete or missing relevant data.

Once you have filled out the form completely, please electronically sign and submit it. We will acknowledge receipt of your submission.

Copyright and trademark violations cannot be processed from this form. Please go to the Microsoft Advertising intellectual property concern forms page to complete those forms.


Trademark information

Please provide the following trademark information. This information will help us to find the advertisement in question so that we can investigate your concern.

If your agency represents the trademark owner, authorization from the trademark owner to act on their behalf is required.

Please fill out this field.

If the trademark is registered in multiple countries, please provide each country and registration number.

Ad details that are of concern

Did you find the ad(s) in question on Microsoft Bing or Yahoo Search?* Please fill out this field.

Please note, there is no need to submit this form twice if the ad is found on both.

*To find the r-link, right-click on the title of the ad in question, select “copy shortcut” and paste link into the box above. If there are multiple ads, please separate by hitting “enter” before listing the next one.By typing in my name (electronic signature), I represent that: (1) I have a good faith belief that use of the trademark(s) in the manner described above constitutes trademark infringement, is not authorized by the trademark owner or its agent, and is not otherwise permissible under the law; (2) investigation(s) have been conducted to support the good faith belief that the products offered at the site(s) identified above are counterfeit; (3) all information in this form is true and accurate; and (4) I am legally authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the trademarks. I also acknowledge that the information in this submission may be provided to third parties, who may include the accused advertiser and third party organizations that collect, analyze, and publish complaints.


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