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New study: The Workday Consumer Has Logged In

March 31, 2022
A delivery man hands a box to a woman outside her door.

Spurred on by the impact of the pandemic, advertisers wanted to know if their pre-pandemic beliefs and data about consumers still held true today. Many suspected that the consumer journey had shifted, but to what extent and how?

At Microsoft Advertising, we had an inkling that consumer behaviors may have changed more than anticipated, so we commissioned a leading global research and advisory firm to conduct research.

Forrester Consulting conducted an online survey of 5,329 employed adult consumers who had made an online purchase via PC in the previous six months. Additionally, they conducted a survey of 1,301 directors, VPs, and heads of marketing or advertising at brands worldwide.

They found that the blending of work and personal life has fueled the rise of the Workday Consumer. This consumer switches back and forth between employee and consumer mode during working hours and has forged new habits and preferences.

The study found that 14% of respondents worked from home before the pandemic, 68% during the initial lockdowns, and 48% do so now. Around a quarter said they expect to continue working remotely for at least the next 12 months, if not permanently.

Many brands already guessed much about the Workday Consumer and rushed to adapt their marketing and advertising strategies to them. However, they found their pre-pandemic tactics and assumptions no longer fit for purpose.

This research will guide brands to steer their online advertising toward consumer expectations as they split time between work and life.

Nearly two-thirds (62%) of respondents said they regularly research or purchase products and services during worktime, and more than half (51%) said the number of online purchases they make during their worktime has increased since the beginning of the pandemic.

The study, The Workday Consumer Has Logged In, provides insights to update persona-design assumptions and rethink online targeting strategies across various verticals such as Retail, Travel, Entertainment, Tech & Telco, Financial Services, and Autos to help attract, convert, and retain the Workday Consumer and others.

Download the study to learn more about the Workday Consumer and how to reach them.

Also, be sure to check out the following resources for more Workday Consumer insights:

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