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Open Perspectives Unplugged #2

Open Perspectives Unplugged #2 image.
What does it mean for a brand to be truly inclusive? Find out in the second installment of Microsoft Advertising’s ‘Open Perspectives Unplugged’ and explore the concept of inclusivity. Curious about the outcome of the first session? Check out the summary recap to know more about the power of Inclusive Marketing.

People want inclusion - not just to be included 

 November 05 – REGISTER NOW

In this session, we welcome panellists Peter Cooper, Microsoft; Frederike Probert, Mission Female; Laura Collins, Merkle EMEA and Dorcas Matomby, The Fourth Angel. The panel will discuss the various challenges and opportunities to eliminate bias in our products, our marketing, our workplace and our communities.
Join our open space to learn, connect and develop a deeper understanding of the steps we can take to be part of a more inclusive environment. Register now for the ‘People want inclusion – not just to be included’ session:
In the spirit of encouraging open and free-flowing dialogue, these amazing experiences will be off the record. If you miss the live event, don’t worry, you can still catch up by following Microsoft Advertising blog where you will find a summary of the key points.

Register to all sessions

Check out the exciting upcoming sessions:

 All live sessions – REGISTER NOW

People want equitable experiences

Register to this workshop with Microsoft Accessibility Evangelist, Hector Minto, as we learn how to bring accessibility and inclusion to the forefront of how you work, communicate, and connect with consumers. Don't forget your phone or tablet so you can download and learn how to use accessible technology for future success.
 December 03 – REGISTER NOW
The next sessions will be revealed soon, in the meantime, learn more on building business value through Marketing with Purpose. To receive blog updates automatically, subscribe to the Microsoft Advertising Insider newsletter. Make sure to follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter to keep up with the latest Microsoft Advertising news and insights.