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Microsoft Advertising’s Product Audiences scales reach and increases returns

November 2019

  • Article
  • Success stories

ROI Revolution is a leading advertising agency with over 450 trusted partners, generating more than $1B in annual client revenue. Winner of the ‘Rising Star 2019’ award from Microsoft Advertising, ROI Revolution stands out for the impact they generate for clients by being a leading innovator in all strategies Microsoft Advertising offers.

We’ve seen success with Microsoft Advertising's Product Audiences both on search and display, showing images of products that users viewed on our site, similar to Remarketing lists for search ads and Dynamic Remarketing.

— ROI Revolution

Microsoft Advertising helps agencies win by finding new customers for clients

When ROI Revolution was asked to expand the reach and increase return on ad spend (ROAS) for their client KaTom Restaurant Supply, they contacted their account team at Microsoft Advertising. With their help, ROI Revolution found advertising solutions to help their client find new customers without sacrificing efficiency.

The Microsoft Advertising account team recommended Product Audiences which takes feed-based campaigns to the next level with product specific remarketing (also known as dynamic remarketing). With Product Audiences, users who interacted with a specific product (such as adding to cart) on KaTom’s website, but didn’t end up purchasing, were shown ads for that product later. These ads increased KaTom’s ROAS by 317% because they targeted users with a clear purchase intent.

  • ROI Revolution increased KaTom’s Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) by 317% in 30 days using Product Audiences
  • Product Audiences increased KaTom’s ad reach by 350,000 impressions over 30 days
  • In 30 days on Product Audiences, KaTom ads received 2,600 more clicks than the previous 30 days

KaTom’s increased ROAS is a great example of what can be achieved when agencies use Microsoft Advertising’s latest tools to deliver personalised ad experiences. Using Product Audiences, ROI Revolution was able to generate the results their client wanted without interrupting already successful campaigns.

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