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Private health insurance search marketing tips for your campaigns

June 2019

  • Financial services
  • Infographic
  • Seasonal trend

With increasing premiums, special deals for newcomers, and shifts in life circumstances, the end of the fiscal year (EOFY) sees a rise in private health insurance searches and conversions. As a marketer, there are several things you can do to help increase your conversion rates and make the most of the EOFY season.

When it comes to health insurance, it's helpful to understand the overall timeline and consumer decision journey — which takes an average of 25 days from start to finish. May through July sees a consistent search volume rise with amplified interest blooming in June and July, right in line with tax season.

As marketers, we know that consumers can be all over the map in their purchase journeys. Some take significantly longer than the 25-day average to purchase and many bounce from competitor to competitor, looking for the best health insurance deal for them and their families.

One key to marketing success is leveraging audience targeting capabilities to better focus your message. Used in conjunction with high-value generic keywords, you can find the right people and serve them the correct message no matter where they are in the funnel, and drive the process to a positive conclusion.

In our private health insurance infographic you’ll find a wealth of search advertising tactics and consumer information to help ensure your EOFY health insurance campaigns are set up for success.

 Download the infographic