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3 things you need to know to be a Spring Racing Carnival front-runner

August 2019

  • Article
  • Seasonal trend

Key horse racing events happen throughout October and November in Australia as the annual Thoroughbred racing series, the Spring Racing Carnival, gallops towards its feature race. The first thing savvy advertisers and marketers should do is have ample budget for their efforts starting from September, as 61% of horse racing searches happen before the Carnival's ultimate race happens in the beginning of November.

If you are aiming to claim your share of the racing market, you'll want to start off strong to ensure you wrangle in those revenue opportunities before the races kick off. We are here to make reigning in those opportunities easier with proven tactics to put your ads in front of the people most likely to click.

Next, think about how robust your online presence is. With over 20,000 unique terms appearing during Spring Carnival it's challenging to keep a handle on it all by yourself. Remove those blinkers by leveraging Microsoft Advertising features to maximise your coverage when demand is highest by using broad match and dynamic search ads.

Finally, the interest in the Spring Racing Carnival spans all demographics. Consider that women are up to 50% of the searchers in that first week of November. Make your campaigns inclusive and adjust your keywords and ad copy to reflect your audience and the expectations of the people who are most interested, when they are the most interested.

Don't let your Spring Racing Carnival campaign set-up efforts go down to the wire. Would you like to know more? To set yourself up for success don't wait too long to contact your Microsoft Advertising representative and ask about these great features. Set yourself up for success by being the first out of the gate in the race for quality searchers.

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