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Lockdown lessons learnt from Keyade

In this episode of the Microsoft Advertising Insights series, we are joined by Chloé Jubécourt, PPC Team Leader at Keyade France from GroupM / WPP. As a PPC expert with many retail clients, Chloé shares lessons learnt from the first COVID lockdown and how this has impacted the peak festive retail season in 2020.

If you are looking for data driven insights to help you navigate the upcoming retail peak, then check out the Microsoft Advertising retail hub. You will find the 2020 holiday guide, latest industry insights, consumer trends, success stories and shopping ad solutions. 

Retailers are more prepared for a second lockdown

No one was ready for the impacts of the first COVID lockdown. Chloé notes how many clients completely pulled back or switched off their digital advertising during the first lockdown of 2020. They simply didn’t know how to respond. However, as France entered its second lockdown period, retailers have had time to adjust and are now accelerating their spend in digital. In some cases, search budgets are being doubled to meet increased online demand and to recoup losses incurred in the first half of 2020. More so than ever before, Q4 will make or break the year for retailers. Being prominently visible online is critical to success. 

Search is shifting from pure performance to brand awareness

One of the interesting changes in client strategy that Chloé has observed is how search is being used end-to-end across the customer decision journey. Historically, search has been held up as a pure performance-led marketing tool. Now, retailers are thinking more holistically and adapting their search strategy for brand awareness, consideration and purchasing.
We are seeing most of our customers expanding their digital campaigns to awareness and consideration. If they want to recover revenue, they have to use search to get in front of customers.

Chloé Jubécourt, PPC Team Leader, Keyade

You can check out previous episodes of the Microsoft Advertising Insights series with Episode 1: In brands we trust | Episode 2: Covid-19 recovery trends | Episode 3: Client trust | Episode 4: Value of partnership in retailEpisode 5: COVID, commerce and consumersEpisode 6: Reimagining Retail - Sustainability

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