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Microsoft Advertising Blog
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COVID-19 insights & trends (April 6 edition)

As consumers remain home, search has grown in increasing importance. We want to keep you up to date with the latest insights and trends you need to make informed decisions for your business. Our goal is to provide you with new and updated insights as you adjust to the ongoing changes in search behavior, so please check back regularly.

Search trend & behavior changes during COVID-19


Purchase intent trends (US) NEW
Impact on automotive industry (UK) NEW
Parts and services demand (US) NEW
Parts and services supply (US) NEW

Financial Services

Impact on financial services (US) NEW
Impact on taxes (US) NEW

Health & Wellness

Underlying diseases search trends (US) NEW
Apparel insights (DE) NEW
Fitness trends (US) NEW
Food & Grocery trends (US) NEW
Office furniture trends (US) NEW

Tech & Telco

Software and teleconferencing trends (US) NEW


Marketplace impact, April 1 update (global) UPDATED

We also launched a COVID-19 insights and resources for advertisers hub where you can get additional information to help you as you evolve your search marketing tactics alongside changing consumer behavior.

We're here to support you and your team, and we’re committed to helping you every step of the way. Please keep in touch. Reach out to us on LinkedIn or Twitter with questions, as we’d love to hear the strategies you are taking to adapt to the new reality of today.