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Microsoft Advertising allies with Australian call-tracking companies

With the multitude of devices, channels, and technologies available these days, the customer journey has become more complex than ever. The more insight you have into that journey, the easier it is to engage customers.
Search is a primary way that businesses get found. When searching for local businesses, 65% of consumers turn to search engines — and a high percentage who search on their mobile device will call or visit within 24 hours.
But how do you know if those calls came from your paid search campaign? Did the consumer search on a particular keyword? Which ads or campaigns yielded more calls? Did the customer convert?
Attributing calls to your paid search campaigns is critical to getting a more complete view of your customer journey and for optimising campaigns to increase your return on investment.
Which is why Microsoft Advertising is pleased to announce the integration of call-tracking solutions from WildJar and AVANSER. These are the first Australia-based call-tracking companies to integrate their APIs into the Microsoft Advertising platform.

Reap the rewards of integrated call tracking

Microsoft supports businesses with solutions that go beyond advertising, helping you turn your data into better performing marketing campaigns. Call tracking integration allows you to map conversions to calls and attribute the impact of paid search campaigns from within the Microsoft Advertising platform, giving you a holistic view of your efforts and deeper insights into consumer purchasing behaviours.
Because both Wildjar and Avanser solutions are integrated, you don’t have to leave the Microsoft Advertising platform to find the information you need. By sending web and conversion data from phone calls directly into Microsoft Advertising, Wildjar and Avanser automatically connect conversions to the specific keywords, ads, and campaigns that customers interacted with during their searches.
View call-tracking results alongside the rest of your campaign data to gain an all-up picture of your marketing impact. Call tracking can help you optimise and improve campaign performance and determine which ads, offers, and keywords perform best. Call tracking can help you to boost return on ad spend, demonstrate the effectiveness of your strategy, and understand the power of voice in the customer journey.

Get started today!

As Microsoft Advertising continues to gain search market share, there’s never been a better time to update your paid search strategy and integrate call tracking from WildJar or AVANSER. To get started with call tracking, reach out to your Microsoft Advertising team or visit our support page. If you’re not already capturing consumers on the Microsoft Search network, sign up today.