
At Microsoft Advertising, we value the privacy rights of our end users and you, our customers, and we strive to uphold the highest data management standards and privacy best practices.

Remarketing is a way for you to engage an audience that has previously visited your website(s). To participate in Universal Event Tracking (hereinafter “UET”), we require you to instrument your website with a UET tag, enabling Microsoft to identify end user visits to your site. Microsoft Advertising allows you to segment your audiences by creating remarketing lists based on end user activity on your site(s) and then to optimise your campaigns based on those segments.

Your remarketing lists will be solely used for your paid search campaigns, not shared with any third parties or any other advertisers or partners, and not otherwise used by Microsoft for any purpose not described in this policy.

If you elect to enable remarketing, please be aware of the following policy requirements that apply to your remarketing campaigns. These requirements are in addition to the general requirements put forth in the Microsoft Advertising privacy and data protection policies and Microsoft Advertising Agreement.

  • Privacy policy. Your website must prominently feature a privacy policy to inform users of your data collection and usage practices. If you decide to enable the UET tag and to leverage capabilities offered by Remarketing in paid search, your privacy policy must disclose that individual end user tracking and data sharing with third parties for advertising and marketing purposes is taking place on your web properties. Please review the Microsoft Advertising privacy and data protection policies and Microsoft Advertising Agreement to learn more.

  • Behavioral targeting opt-out. In accordance with accepted industry best practices, we require you to instruct your end users about opting out of Interest-Based Advertising. You must include a section in your privacy policy to inform your users on how to exercise their opt out rights by pointing them to resources like the NAI consumer opt-out page or the DAA opt-out page. These resources are also available under “Your Choices” in the Microsoft Online Advertising Privacy Statement.

  • Sensitive categories. You must comply with all laws, regulations, self-regulatory policies and other policies applicable to remarketing campaigns, which includes any prohibitions on creation of remarketing lists based on sensitive data. Sensitive data may include health information, personal identification numbers, sexual orientation, or other categories generally recognised as sensitive in nature. It is your obligation to understand and comply with any such prohibitions applicable in the market(s) where you operate.

  • Microsoft Advertising disallowed products and services. Your ad copy or landing page must not promote any disallowed products or services. You may create a remarketing list for a product or service which is currently disallowed by the Microsoft Advertising restricted and disallowed content policies, but not in a manner that conflicts with the content policies. For instance, you may create a remarketing list based upon interest in tobacco products to promote your brick and mortar cigar lounge, but not the sale of cigars.

  • Underage users. You must not create a remarketing list, retarget or otherwise profile any individuals under the age of 13, or other applicable age restrictions in the market(s) where you operate. Additionally, you must not target individuals under the minimum age required for the product advertised. For example, you may not target alcohol advertisements to individuals under the applicable minimum drinking age.

  • Web properties directed to children. Audience remarketing must not be implemented on sites or applications directed to children under the age of 13, or other applicable age limitations in the market(s) where you operate.

  • Tracking tag misuse. Modifying, changing or otherwise tampering with the UET tracking tag and tag script is strictly forbidden, other than for uses expressly authorised by Microsoft.

  • Precise geo-location on mobile devices. If you elect to pass to Microsoft the precise location of an end user, you must do so only with the end user’s express consent.

  • Association of additional personal data. Other than provided above, you may not associate any additional personal data with your remarketing lists or UET tags, or attempt to send this information to Microsoft by any means.

  • Third party data providers. Microsoft may elect, from time to time, to work with third party data providers in order to enable the use of third party data in remarketing campaigns for its advertisers. The exchange of personal data between advertisers and data providers, if any, will be handled in accordance to the respective privacy practices of each, as well as the applicable individual agreements which those parties may enter into. Microsoft will not receive any personal data or other inputs as a part of these relationships unless as otherwise provided in this or other applicable policies, or as otherwise necessary to enable the performance of advertising campaigns and the use of this remarketing in paid search feature. Microsoft is not responsible for any data loss, data breach, misuse of personal information or any other liability which may result from the relationships between advertisers and data providers.