Case study
Making moves—how Credit card ads propelled Orange Bank forward

The goal
Across France, consumers use credit cards daily. From online shopping on the couch to tapping and swiping cards out in the world. To pay for that anniversary dinner. To book tickets to Tahiti. From bills to baguettes to everything beyond. That’s why Orange Bank wanted to get people’s eye on their full credit card portfolio. And that’s why Orange Bank started using Microsoft Advertising’s new Search offering: Credit card ads.
The solution
Once Orange Bank started using Credit card ads, they moved beyond what they thought possible with Search. They became the first financial institution in France to test the exclusive Credit card ads beta. With large eye-catching images in search results, Microsoft Advertising’s new ad feature empowered Orange Bank to expand awareness of their full credit card portfolio.
When Microsoft gave us the opportunity to preview the Microsoft Credit card ads format we seized it. The results were great thanks to the Microsoft Advertising team having a strong understanding of our business needs.
— Jordan Landron Traffic Manager, Orange Bank
The results
Microsoft Advertising (MSA) Credit cards ads bring ad strategies to life. Orange Bank’s conversion rate was 0.7 point higher than on search. Plus, specific to search engine advertising, the Cost Per Lead (CPL) was almost 2 times lower than the CPL on search and 3 times lower than the overall CPL on MSA.