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eCommerce consumer shopping behaviours webcast

May 2021

Insights & trends
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Analysis of shopping journeys for apparel, health & beauty, and electronics

Microsoft Advertising and Luth Research have partnered together to conduct research and gain deeper insights into how search engine marketing (SEM) and eCommerce influence consumer behaviours and the online path to purchase for the US Market. This also provides helpful guidance to local marketers, as the Australian eCommerce market matures.

In this webcast we take a deep dive into the behavioural analysis of the role search plays in the online shopping journeys for apparel, health and beauty, and electronics. Now more than ever, it’s important to understand consumer behaviours in the digital landscape and the path to purchase.

We will examine shopping journeys for apparel, health & beauty, and electronics and explore the following:

  • Who are converting more
  • What are the digital behavioural markers of those converting more
  • How do you find them

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Judson Randolph

Senior Program Manager

Microsoft Advertising

Lawrence Massey

Vice President, Market Research

Luth Research

Stein Broeder

Senior Marketing Communications Manager

Microsoft Advertising

Emily Munro

Marketing Executive
